Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cash Crate has just added a wonderful new option; they are now allowing you to take 2 daily surveys!

Before, if you were to do the daily surveys alone, that was a guarenteed $24 a month, without ever doing anything else on the website! However, now you have the potential of earning $48 from simply doing 2 daily surveys a day throughout the month, which means, you can earn $48 a month simply from doing daily surveys!!

So I encourage you now, if you haven't already signed up for Cash Crate to take advantage of this wonderful offer and start earning today!


Anonymous said...
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James Taylor said...

Hi Blair, Thanks for your comments on my blog. I have looked at your blog BecomingDebtFree and found it very interesting and informative.
I will bookmark your blog and will definitely return for future postings. Keep up the good work!

James Taylor