Isn't it funny how life can get in the way sometimes? I've been busy with my gorgeous 18 month old daughter, preparing for a son on the way!, and moving.. I hate moving, but alas it must be done. My husband and I are finally getting away for a much needed 'date night' tonight, and I couldn't be more excited. Through all of this however, I have slummed on being productive in my online work.
Though, it was a nice suprise to have some of my past daily surveys credited to
Cash Crate. Have I mentioned that they now allow you to take 2 'daily surveys' that are worth .80 cents each... thats $48 a month in earnings just from taking 5 minutes to do 2 daily surveys.
I jsut joined & am finding the same problem as another I'm with... I don't seem to "qualify" for taking the surveys. :(
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